November 2023

GoodNews Letter

Dear Friends and Partners

Who is Jesus?

Did you know when you asked Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Saviour – that HE IS THE ONLY WAY TO The Father AND the only way to be saved and to have a heavenly home for eternity.  Many people think there are lots of ways to God.  Not true.  Don’t get upset at me.  John 14:6 says (and this is Jesus speaking):  I am the Way, The Truth and The Life*No one comes to The Father except by (through) me. Jesus laid down His Life* and rose again so you could spend eternity with Him in Heaven and so you could live in victory every day of your Life* on earth. 


I don’t care if you are 10 years old, 50 years old or like a friend of mine that recently asked Jesus to be her Saviour and Lord at age 93.  Receiving Jesus into your heart is the Only Way to The Father and to heaven for eternity.


Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (give yourself up to Him, take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself unto His keeping) and you will be saved (Acts 16:31).


Even satan believes in God.  But, the definition of believe (in Acts 16:31) means when you are saved, there should be some evidence of changes in a person’s life to show that they have been saved. 


Jesus is in charge of everything  God has turned everything over to Him (Matthew 28:18 -19, Matthew 11:27, Philippians 2:9, Colossians 2:10, I Peter 3:22, John 3:35, Ephesians 1:29, John 17:3, Philippians 2:10, John 19:11, Matthew 26:64, John 3:31, Psalm 8:6, Colossians 1:15-18).   


That’s why we pray to The Father, but always end our prayer “in Jesus Name” Amen (see Footnote* below.


After I die I want to open my eyes and be with my Father and My Lord and Saviour – Jesus.  I have received Jesus into my heart as my Saviour and Lord and made Him my Shepherd, Healer, Provider, Deliverer and Protector.  I had a choice and took it.  The Word tells us to choose Life* (Deuteronomy 30:19).  When I die I do not want to open my eyes and find that I’m in hell because I never received Jesus. 


Think about it.  Do you have kids that need to receive Jesus as their Saviour?  If they do choose Jesus, they now need to make Him their Lord and give themselves up to Him (take themselves out of their own keeping and entrust themselves unto His keeping).   Do you have a mother or father, spouse, relative, brother or sister that needs a Saviour and Lord?  The same applies.


There are many politicians who have done lots of good things for our country and have devoted their lives to serving our country.  And, when they die, we hear about all the stuff they’ve accomplished for our country and us.  Well………if they have never received Jesus as their Saviour and Lord, I don’t care how wonderful they performed while alive, how popular they were or how much stuff they did for our country that affected us personally.  If you don’t believe me, get out a Bible and read John 14:6.  Don’t take my word for it. 


Too strong to say any of this?


We just need to read what The Word says and get stirred up about the thousands of people who are dying and going to hell every day and what we individually (as Christians) are doing about it?


God gave us an assignment to spread the Love of God to the whole world and that includes receiving Jesus as Our Saviour, making Him our Shepherd (that we follow) and our Lord (that we defer to) as first place in our Life*.


Lots of people believe im God.  However, believing in God or that there is a God does not get you saved.  Obeying the 10 commandments does not get you saved.  If that’s true, there would have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross and take all our sins, failures, sicknesses, diseases and bad behavior.  We cannot earn our salvation.  It’s a free gift.  We have to pray and ask Jesus to come into our spiritual heart to receive our salvation.  It’s that simple and that means when we do – we are now in a covenant with God.  And, it’s up to each one of us to live up to our part of that covenant (The New Testament is our covenant with God and Jesus).   


God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross and take all those burdens of ours upon Him-self so we wouldn’t have to have any of them.  He made us The Righteousness of God (in Christ Jesus) and we are IN Christ Jesus because we’ve received Him into our heart and chose Him to be The Lord of our Life*.


What is a Lord?  Let’s take a look at a Drug Lord.  That person is in charge of a certain territory and everybody in that territory does not question what he does or says.  They don’t get a vote.  They do what He says and he deals with them with fear.


When we make Jesus our Saviour (by accepting Him), make Hin our Shepherd by following Him as Our Lord, by choosing Him first place in our life (over the territory of our heart), He deals with us with love (because He IS love).  That doesn’t mean that He knows HOW to love.  It means He IS made up of Love and that’s what He operates by.    He loves us unconditionally and couldn’t love us any more right now than He loved us before we received Jesus as Saviour.


I’m surprised by those who have a Bible, maybe who go to church and even those who believe in a God who say they are going to Heaven even if they don’t receive Jesus as their Saviour.  That’s not what The Word says (see John 14:6). 


Jesus saved us (rescued us from ourselves and hell).  Jesus redeemed us (bought us back and made us a new creation in Christ Jesus).  Jesus relocated us (He took us out of the kingdom of darkness and took us into the Kingdom of Light – of His Dear Son, Jesus).  And He’s enriched our lives since that time. 


There are still things that happen that are terrible in this world – because we live in a fallen world.  However, if a terrible thing does happen to us, we do have a Saviour and Father Who are for us, Who will fight for us and help us through whatever it is and will give us the victory over it.


Get into your Bible, begin in the New Testament reading all God’s promises to you be-cause you’ve received Jesus as Your Saviour.  How comforting it is to know that even though we can’t see or know what God is doing behind the scenes, He is at work on our behalf.  Learn how to trust Him, believe what His Word says and thank Him in advance as you go through that tough time.      


Continue to relentlessly (without interruption) pursue God



Live/LifeChoose Jesus:  As we choose God’s PRESCRIBED MEDICINE (Word of Truth) (Proverbs 4:20-22 – AMP) we plant and keep within our recreated spirit (heart) so we have something of God’s  to choose to from for our behavior/relationships/thoughts/n ethics/morality /healing/ finances/ spiritual growth and obedience because they are decisions Gods already made within His Kingdom (His governments system of operation) (John 13:18, Luke 17:21) where His healing power is.  We can take a dosage of His PRESCRIBED MEDICINE how ever many times a day we choose to.  Choosing Zoe (Life) is choosing with our soul what our full-of-The-Word spirit knows.  We are responsible for and accountable to Gods Word.  It is a privilege to be accountable to God and His Word (because of everything He has done for us).  If we make Godly choices for our situations, we will receive Gods promises (Matthew 6:33) and we will mirror only Jesus.  We are to live our Life* by (Zoe) by EVERY Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).  Zoe is Gods Life* that He has within Himself and gave to His Son to have within Himself to manifest and flow out of Him into the world.  Zoe is the Life* that The Son has within Himself and gave to us to have within ourself to manifest and flow out of us into the world.  Gods Zoe at-work within us brings the Anointing that removes bur-dens (spiritual problems) and yokes (natural/physical/ emotional problems) (Isaiah 10:27 – KJV).  So, choose Zoe (Deuteronomy 30:19-20) to be founded/established/succeed.


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Phone: 209-532-3346